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Health and Safety Policy





1.  Bideford Baptist Church recognises and accepts its responsibilities for providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy environment with a view to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all those who use the church premises.


2.  Bideford Baptist Church will, therefore, take all necessary steps within its power to meet its responsibilities so far as is reasonably practicable by, among other arrangements:

2.1  Maintaining the church premises in a condition that is safe and without risk to health, and providing and maintaining means of access to and exit from the premises that are safe and without such risks;

2.2  Providing and maintaining furnishings and equipment which are safe and without risks to health;

2.3  Assessing the risk to the health and safety of those who use the church premises;

2.4  Ensuring the safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles, equipment, furniture and substances;

2.5  Providing such information, instruction and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of those who use the church premises;

2.6  Providing and maintaining a proper environment for the church’s employees, leaders, helpers and volunteers that is safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare;

2.7  Consulting, where necessary, with all employees, leaders, helpers and volunteers on the effectiveness and implementation of this policy, and any necessary changes;

2.8 Ensuring that adequate funds and resources are made available for carrying out this policy.


3.  Bideford Baptist Church’s Charity Trustees have overall responsibility for health and safety.

The nominated Health & Safety / Maintenance Team (John Lester, Miriam McDonald) will be tasked with fulfilment of specific tasks in order to ensure the Church remains fully compliant with this Health & Safety Policy.

However, the Charity Trustees will retain overall responsibility for carrying out the implementation of this policy, and for issuing any supplementary policy statements where this may be necessary.


4.  The Health & Safety / Maintenance Team will:

4.1  Carry out appropriate Risk Assessments (to be reviewed annually) of the church’s premises and activities, and report to the Church’s Charity Trustees as necessary;

4.2  Co-ordinate the implementation of the Church’s Health & Safety Policy, including Fire Safety and Electrical / Gas Appliance Checks;

4.3  Carry out investigations of any accidents and recommend measures for preventing their reoccurrence;

4.4  Ensure that all appropriate arrangements are made to provide for First Aid;

4.5  Ensure that, where necessary, all relevant safety regulations are prominently displayed, and that all emergency procedure notices are properly exhibited and clearly visible;

4.6  Ensure that access to and from Emergency Exits and Fire Equipment are not impaired, and that corridors and stairs are kept free from obstructions other than of a temporary and partial nature.






5.  All employees, volunteers, leaders, ministers and helpers will:

5.1  Take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and of the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by an individual’s act or omissions while working or helping;

5.2  Co-operate with the church so far as is necessary to enable any duty of requirement[1] to be performed or complied with;

5.3  Ensure that they shall not intentionally or recklessly neither interfere with nor misuse anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare;

5.4  Observe all safety rules, procedures and codes of practice at all times, and in particular be fully conversant with the procedures to be followed in the event of a fire of any other emergency;

5.5  Conform to all the Food Safety Regulations that are applicable to themselves;

5.6  Report to the Church’s Health & Safety Team all accidents or hazardous occurrences or dangers, whether or not anybody has been injured, as soon as is reasonably practicable;

5.7  Ensure that all working equipment and materials used by them are in a safe and serviceable conditions, and that no cables or wires are left in such a position as to be likely to cause anyone to trip;

5.8  Have regard to the possible consequences of their actions on the health, safety and welfare of all those persons who at any time and for whatever purpose may or will use the Church premises.





   imposed on the Church under any of the relevant statutory provisions


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